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Subsurface Maps

SKU: SubsurfaceMaps

SubsurfaceMaps is a cloud based GIS mapping system designed for utilities. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking for a way to edit your existing GIS in the field, people choose SubsurfaceMaps because it is simple and affordable.  1 User - $360/year, $180/year for each additional user

Quantity is a cloud based GIS designed for mapping utility linies. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking for a way to edit your existing GIS in the field, people choose SubsurfaceMaps because it is simple and affordable.  Starting at $30/month with no obligations you can afford to give it a try. 

Built in drawing tools let you draw point, line, or area features. Built in Google Maps and street view allow you start drawing with your mouse or finger right out of the box. You can tag each new feature with attributes like size, material, date last inspected, etc. Drawing aids help you snap new lines to existing geometry. Anything drawn is instantly shared with all other users on your account. 

Create new layers from canned templates or setup layers with just the fields you need. Create pick lists for uniform data entry. And set the colors, symbols, opacities, and other display settings for each layer.

SubsurfaceMaps Android App
Map your lines int he field using the free SubsurfaceMaps Offline tolld on the Google Play store.  This allows users to easily bluetooth their Radiodetection locator (RD8000 or RD8100) and an external GPS antenna.  The app automates the workflow by auto generating locate information and GPS information into your customized form. 

Import SHP (shapefiles), GPX, or CSV files from your existing GIS or GPS. SubsurfaceMaps supports layers with hundreds of thousands of features. You can also export your data to shapefile at any time so you are never locked into staying with us. 

Work Orders
A simple approach to helping you and your team manage a list of things-to-do ranging from customer complaints to major repairs all from your phone or PC.

Click the share button to send anyone a link to what you are viewing. Your recipients can even interact with the map in a limitted way by zooming, panning, and clicking other features. They see only the layers you had turned on when you sent the map. Their map is automatically zoomed to the area you were viewing and any feature you had selected is pre-selected on their end. 

Log Everything
In addition to the static attributes assigned to features, each feature has a log field that lets you keep a running history of everything that happens. Every time a user enters a note such as cycling a valve, flushing a hydrant, or inspecting a pipe, the note is automatically stamped with the name of the user and the date and time the note was entered.

Attach Pictures
Each feature also lets you attach pictures, video’s, PDF’s or other documents. Take the picture live from your tablet, upload a file, or capture an image from Google maps, or Google street view. All documents are linked to the selected map feature and automatically uploaded to the SubsurfaceMaps server for all other users to view.

A built in picture editor lets you markup your pictures. This includes the Google screen shots as well as any pictures you take with your camera.

Control Usage
In multi-user environments, a designated map manager controls who is permitted to make changes to each layer. Anyone on your team can view the content of each layer but only authorized users can add, change, or delete its content.

All of the SubsurfaceMaps functionality works on PC's, tablets, and smart phones as a browser based application. All you need is an internet connection. New data added by one person is instantly available to all users belonging to your account.

A .net API is available for any developers wanting to integrate your map with your billing software, SCADA, or other systems. Need help with that? We can recommend freelance developers with experience doing just that.

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