Irwin SX Gas Leak Detector
The Irwin SX is Methane Leak Detector with better than 1 ppm accuracy. It offers the ability to track a leak survey with its GPS logging capability and Bluetooth integration. The quick 3 second response time with strong suction makes surveying quick and easy.
The IRwin SX Methane Leak Detector Multi-function instrument operates on different surfaces and situations effectively and efficiently. It's highly sensitive, responds quickly and short recovery time. The Irwin SX is certified intrinsically safe and is rated explosion-proof for Zone 0 applications and hold several national and international certificates: TÜV® certified capability for LEL, oxygen and toxic gas measurements.
Built-in GPS allows for accurate data collection, storage and bread crumbing capabilities. The route walked by operators is visualized on geographic information systems (GIS) for easy survey tracking. The Irwin includes Bluetooth® technology to transfer GPS data and survey measurements from the instrument to a computer wirelessly. You can asily transfer log data and other information to your computer wirelessly. The Irwin also allows a user to stream data in real-time from the Inficon IRwin.
Included with the Methane/Ethan Diff. Chromatograph is the quick and easy ability to deliver near realtime distinction between swamp and natural gas. Operators can rapidly determine if gas detected comes from a leaking pipe, other natural gas sources, or swamp gas. The IRwin GC delivers fast test results, even at low ethane concentrations (from 0.5%).
The Irwin advantages are numerous: No false alarms - Improved efficiency with high sensitivity, fast reaction and short recovery time - Improved IR-technology enables accurate gas analysis - Fast ethane and propane analysis - Easy distinction between natural and swamp gas - Automatic documentation of survey results - No need for multiple machines