Ferrite vs. Air Core Antennas
Whether antennas are called peak, null, omni, or 3D, there are only two ways to read an electromagnetic field, vertically and...

Antenna Configuration Explained
A line locator is a simple tool to detect electromagnetic fields. The receiver picks up an electrical induced charge when crossing...

Locate plastic water lines
Using acoustical locating for finding plastic water lines. Demonstrating the Radiodetection electronic transonde and FCS DXmic.

Flame Ionization vs. Laser Based Leak Detection
FLAME PACK 400 The Flame Pack 400 is Southern Cross' industry standard leak detection technology since 1974. The Flame Pack 400 is a...

Mislocate by machine - defined
Mislocate [mis-loh-keyt, mis-loh-keyt] verb (used with object), mislocated, mislocating. 1. to misplace. 2. to specify a wrong...

The locating checklist:
Read all available maps, as-built diagrams and identify all visible utilities on the street surface Determine the best method to apply...

Zero Damages
The introduction of the DIRT report in 2003 was a major turning point for the Damage Prevention industry. As each year has passed, and...